Saturday, December 29, 2007

Never seen before pictures of Bhutto’s assassin - Multiple Assassin Theory. By Adnan Gill

Image 1

Image 2

In never seen before pictures, at least one of the Benazir Bhutto’s assassin could be clearly seen. The slim built, medium-height, and clean-shaven suspect doesn't seem to be wearing a suicide belt. The first image (courtesy of the Dawn News) clearly shows the suspect in sunglasses discharging his weapon. In the second image (in the red circle) he could be seen in an unbuttoned dark sleeveless vest. According to the Government of Pakistan's claim the alleged suicide-bomber used at least 4kg of explosives and to 2kg of shrapnel. It is not clear how a suicide-bomber could hide his 6kg suicide belt in the open sleeveless vest. Considering the circumstantial evidence, it can be argued that there was a second assassin who triggered the explosives immediately after the first suspect was able to discharge his handgun three times.

Image 3

In the image 3, the suspect can be again seen discharging his weapon, as Ms. Bhutto’s security officials duck in a reflexive action. Note, at this point Ms. Bhutto can still be seen standing through the sunroof.

Image 4

In the image 4, people in immediate surrounding of the suspect could be seen running away from the gunman. However, Ms. Bhutto can no longer be seen standing through the sunroof.

Whether she received fatal bullet wound cannot be ascertained from these images, but it is clear that within fraction of a second, after the shots were fired, Ms. Bhutto was not standing anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very obvious that Pak government is trying to cover up the murder or BB and 20 others in Rawalpindi blast. It made so many contradictory statements, denied international community help in investigations and has not yet presented any solid evidence that Al-Qaida or Talabans were behind this henious crime against Pakistani people. mian

9:46 AM  

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